As mentioned before, Bastian instance will allow us to connect to our Rails instance, RDS (MYSQL) and Redis cache for sidekiq from our local machine. It can be very handy when it comes to test services or troubleshoot issues. Create Bastian instance In the EC2 console, Click on Key pairs
Create RDS Database Find and select the RDS service under the service tab. Click on create database. Follow the instructions below: Before we begin, please change things such as database size, names and other identifiers as per your requirements we will be choosing your database name, username and password, Please
In this series of articles, we will create a rails application from scratch (you can also apply the same steps for an existing rails application) Before I begin this series, I would like to give credit to Raphael Jambalos who wrote this amazing series of articles in More than “Hello
In this article, our website will go live with Load Balancer and Autoscalling groups (having multiple Rails instances on demand). This means that AWS can increase the number of Rails instances on demand and it can scale it down too. We will do the following in this article: Create ECS
This series will help you with setting up Dockerized WordPress website on you local machine and fully automate the deployment process to Amazon Web Services. The website will be ready for heavy traffic. To achieve this, I have created the following topics: WordPress on AWS, the challenges Dockerize WordPress with
The purpose of creating MYSQL database using AWS RDS is quite simple. Centralized, automatic backups, scalable and highly available. What else we can ask for when it comes to MYSQL. For wordpress there are two main options to choose your database from. Amazon Aurora and MYSQL. Amazon Aurora is also